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Your Questions, Answered

At Una's Dream Adventure, we are always ready to assist you. We have compiled a list of the most commonly asked questions by our travelers. Browse through our FAQs and find answers to your queries.

I never did yoga, but I would like to try it. Can I still go on your tours?

Yes, of course, our yoga sessions take individual capabilities in consideration. Please contact us for more information and to discuss your specific requirements.

What languages are available for the tours?

We offer tours in multiple languages, including English, Croatian, and Italian. However, the availability of languages may vary depending on the tour. Please contact us for more information.

I am traveling solo, can I still join in?

Yes, there are many solo travelers on our trips. You can choose from sharing a room/cabin or have a private room for a surcharge. Contact us to see who else is on your desired departure and if there are other solo travelers willing to share a room/cabin.

I have never sailed before, can I still join your tours?

Yes, our tours are suitable for first time sailors too and your safety is our number one priority. In case you have motion sickness issues we recommend consulting your physician for adequate treatment during sailing.

I am over 65 yo, can I join your tours?

Of course, our tours are suitable for everyone willing to have a different kind of holiday. At Una's Dream Adventure, age is just a number on your ID, so pack your bags and get ready to awake the child inside you. Contact us for more details.

I love active and outdoor holidays, but am not finding a tour that suites me on your page. Can you do custom made tours?

Along with the tours we have prepared upfront, we offer tailor made experiences for groups of at least 4 participants. For smaller groups contact us and we will try to sew you a perfect holiday in Croatia or Bosnia.

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